resolveAndPromptOptions(questions: Array, cliFlags: Object, hooks: Object)

Tries to resolve answers from either the CLI flags object provided or creates an interactive prompt with inquirer.js. Supports all options of the inquirer question format like filter or validate.

Example usage

const meow = require('meow');
const {resolveAndPromptOptions} = require('create-any-cli');

(async function () {
  const cli = meow();
  const questions = [
    name: 'foo',
    description: 'my foo arg'
  const answers = await processTemplateAndCreate(questions, cli.flags);


questions: Array

The list of Inquirer.js prompt options to either resolve from the CLI or the interactive prompt to spawn.

cliFlags: Object

The object of CLI flags to parse, the key will be compared with the inquirer options name, if it's matching the value will be used and no interactive prompt will be created for this questions object.

Options (Hooks)

opts.hooks: Object

The object that holds all configuration options regarding the hook functions.

opts.hooks.onImplicitQuestion: Function

Optional hook function that will be called with the question object that will be omitted and the value from the cliFlags object. The hook function needs to return the hook object after processing/logging it.

opts.hooks.onInteractiveQuestion: Function

Optional hook function that will be called with the question object that will be prompted to the user. The hook function needs to return the hook object after processing/logging it.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""