createDecoratedTemplateArgs(argsByKey: {[string]: mixed})

A neat helper function to decorate your template arguments with variants of the most popular naming conventions like camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case and many more.

Example usage

const {createDecoratedTemplateArgs} = require('create-any-cli');

const args = {
  foo: 'Foo bar'
const decorated = createDecoratedTemplateArgs(args);

// {
//    foo: {
//        raw: 'Foo bar',
//        upperCamelCase: 'FooBar',
//        snakeCase: 'foo_bar',
//        kebabCase: 'foo-bar',
//        camelCase: 'fooBar',
//        lowerCase: 'foo bar',
//        upperCase: 'FOO BAR'
//    }
// }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""