processTemplateAndCreate(opts: Object)

Powerful template processor function with support for file-patterns, ignore-patterns, template arguments, template settings and various hook functions with which you can control the flow of the templating process.

Example usage

const {processTemplateAndCreate} = require('create-any-cli');

(async function () {
  await processTemplateAndCreate({
    dist: '/the/final/destination',
    template: {
      src: 'the/template/source',
      args: {
        foo: 'bar'


opts.dist: String

The full path to which the template files and folder structure will be moved into. This folder needs to be empty and if it is not yet existing the util will create the full path.

Options (Template)

opts.template: Object

The object that holds all configuration options regarding the template.

opts.template.src: String

The full path to the template location, all filePatterns will be relative to this directory.

opts.template.args: Object

The template arguments which will be propagated to the doT template engine.

opts.template.filePatterns: Array<string>

Optional list of file patterns to use when resolving the template files. Defaults to ['*/**'].

opts.template.ignore: Array<string>

Optional list of ignore patterns to use when resolving the template files. Defaults to [].

opts.template.settings: Object

Optional template settings for the doT template engine, please refer to the official documentation of doT for more information.

Options (Hooks)

opts.hooks: Object

The object that holds all configuration options regarding the hook functions.

opts.hooks.onInvalidDistDir: Function

Optional hook function that will be called if the distDir is not empty.

opts.hooks.onTemplate: Function

Optional hook function with which you can use your own template engine. It will be invoked with the string to process (first call the file-path, second call the file-contents), as well as the template arguments and the settings provided during the call of the processTemplateAndCreate function.

opts.hooks.onFile: Function

Optional hook function that will be called on each file to process, this function can return a context object that will be propagated to all file based hook functions.

opts.hooks.onBeforeReadFile: Function

Optional hook function that will be called on each file to read (before).

opts.hooks.onAfterReadFile: Function

Optional hook function that will be called on each file to read (after).

opts.hooks.onBeforeProcessFile: Function

Optional hook function that will be called on each file to process with the doT template engine (before).

opts.hooks.onAfterProcessFile: Function

Optional hook function that will be called on each file to process with the doT template engine (after).

opts.hooks.onBeforeWriteFile: Function

Optional hook function that will be called on each file to write to the disk (before).

opts.hooks.onAfterWriteFile: Function

Optional hook function that will be called on each file to write to the disk (after).

results matching ""

    No results matching ""