createMapStateToPropsSnapshot({mapStateToProps: Function, ...options})

When unit-testing your mapStateToProps function you would want to mock all used selectors to avoid colliding test boundaries. This function automatically takes care of the mocking of all of your selectors with support for mock implementations as well as snapshot testing!

Example usage

Testing your containers is easy, let's create an unit test for the following example connect configuration / container file.

import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import * as selectors from './../some/folder/with/selectors.js';
import SomeComponent from './../some/folder/with/components.js';

export const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
  someValue: selectors.getSomeValueFromTheStore(state, {id:})
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SomeComponent);

... and the associated test spec could look like this:

import {createMapStateToPropsSnapshot} from 'jest-react-redux';
import * as selectors from './../some/folder/with/selectors.js';
import {mapStateToProps} from './index.js';

describe('mapStateToProps()', () => {
  it('should be a function', () => {
    expect(typeof mapStateToProps).toBe('function');

  it('should execute all given selectors with the state and return an object containing the state props.', () => {
    const result = createMapStateToPropsSnapshot({
      selectorImplementationByKey: {
        getSomeValueFromTheStore: () => 'some mocked value from the store'
      ownProps: {
        id: 'some mocked id'

    // The results returned from the `createMapStateToPropsSnapshot` function contains the following data...
    // {
    //   "calls": {
    //     "getEstateForId": {
    //       "argsByCallCount": {
    //         "0": [
    //           {
    //             "__mockState": true,
    //           },
    //           {
    //             "id": "fooEstateId",
    //           },
    //         ]
    //       },
    //       "callCount": 1,
    //     }
    //   },
    //   "stateProps": {
    //     "estate": "fooEstateObject",
    //   }
    // }
    // ... which makes it ideal to use in combination with Jests snapshot feature!

Configuration of createMapStateToPropsSnapshot()

As seen in the example you need to call the createMapStateToPropsSnapshot() function and configure it via a simple shaped object.

import {createMapStateToPropsSnapshot} from 'jest-react-redux';

const results = createMapStateToPropsSnapshot({
  // The `mapStateToProps` function under test
  mapStateToProps: Function,

  // The object or Array of objects that contains all selectors to mock during the test.
  selectors?: {[string]: Function} | Array<{[string]: Function}>,

  // An object in which the key match their `selector` function counterpart.
  // The value should be function with which you can provide the mocked implementation.
  selectorImplementationByKey?: {
    [string]: Function

  // Represents the `ownProps` that will be used when calling the `mapStateToProps` function.
  ownProps?: Object,

  // Represents the `state` that will be used when calling the `mapStateToProps` function.
  state?: Object

results matching ""

    No results matching ""