Mono-Repository Structure

The CLI does almost no assumptions about the structure of your mono-repo, it uses yarn's workspace configuration in your root package.json so you can place your packages where ever you want them to be.

In case you already use yarn workspaces, you can skip this part, otherwise just add this property to your root package.json and you are good to go.

  "workspaces": ["packages/*"]

We strongly recommend having a flow instance per package, since this decreases startup time due to multi-threading. Another benefit is that it reduces the coupling of the packages to your mono-repository and the effort once you want to extract a package from your mono-repository. But don't worry, this CLI will provide you with a couple of commands to help you maintain all the single instances more easily.

This is how an example mono-repository could look like

├── build
|   └── .flowconfig      // A fallback / default / singleton `.flowconfig` that will be symlinked (for all packages that do not hold their own `.flowconfig`).
├── flow-typed           // Patched typings or global stubs.
├── node_modules         // Hoisted or root dependencies of the mono-repository.
├── packages
|   ├── package-a
|   |   ├── flow-typed   // Flow-typed stubs / typings for this package.
|   |   ├── node_modules // dependencies of this package.
|   |   ├── package.json // If the package has a dependency to `flow-bin` it will be recognized by the CLI.
|   |   └── .flowconfig  // Packages could also hold it's own `.flowconfig` if necessary.
|   └── package-b
|   |   ├── flow-typed  
|   |   ├── node_modules
|   |   └── package.json
├── .flowmonorc          // Configuration of the CLI.
└── package.json         // The `flow-mono-cli` would need to be added to the `devDependencies` in the root `package.json`

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