Read me
1. Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Structure
2. Basics
2.1 Prerequisites
2.2 Technologies
2.3 Getting Started
2.4 Scripts
3. Developing your first feature
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Building the UI
3.3 i18n
3.4 Thinking in redux
3.5 Connecting the UI
3.6 Submitting the data to an API
3.7 Internationalization of the UI (i18n)
4. Advanced
4.1 Configuration
4.2 Deploying
4.3 Tests
4.4 Server-Side-Rendering
5. Recipes
5.1 Integrating Next.js
5.2 Integrating CSS / PostCSS
5.3 Integrating CSS Modules
5.4 Integrating SCSS / SASS
6. FAQ
7. Glossary
8. Troubleshooting
Powered by
5. Recipes
Integrating Next.js
Integrating CSS / PostCSS
Integrating CSS Modules
Integrating SCSS / SASS
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